With *socketIO directive you can interact with Socket.IO in templates.
Creating connection, Listening and Emitting events
An example in COMPONENT.template.html.
<!-- Creating a connection -->
<ng-container *socketIO="let socket of 'http://...'">
<!-- Socket {{ socket }} is a server interaction socket! -->
<!-- You can listen events like that -->
<ng-container *socketIoOn="let event on 'event name' from socket">
<!-- All code here is pure, and is called only on event! -->
{{ store.dispath({ type: 'new event': payload: event }) }}
<!-- Also you can send messages to the socket -->
<button (click)="socket.emit('click')">Click me!</button>
<!-- And emit with any events -->
<div (mousemove)="socket.emit('mousemove', $event.clientX, $event.clientY)"></div>
<input (keypress)="socket.emit('type', $event.target.value)">