
The directive is a local non-state manager that dispatches requests your http service listen to and selects data out from the response.

Creating Get Request

An GET request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status get 'https://...'">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status get 'https://...' with options">
  {{ status }}

Creating Post Request

An POST request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status post 'https://...' send body">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status post 'https://...' send body with options">
  {{ status }}

Creating Delete Request

An DELETE request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status delete 'https://...'">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status delete 'https://...' with options">
  {{ status }}

Creating Head Request

An HEAD request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status head 'https://...'">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status head 'https://...' with options">
  {{ status }}

Creating Options Request

An OPTIONS request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status options 'https://...'">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status options 'https://...' with options">
  {{ status }}

Creating Patch Request

An PATCH request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status patch 'https://...' send body">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status patch 'https://...' send body with options">
  {{ status }}

Creating Put Request

An PUT request example in COMPONENT.template.html.

<ng-container *http="let status put 'https://...' send body">
  {{ status }}

Also with options.

<ng-container *http="let status put 'https://...' send body with options">
  {{ status }}

Last updated